速報APP / 工具 / Torque Wrench Extension Calc

Torque Wrench Extension Calc



檔案大小:1.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。

支援語言:德語, 法文, 英語, 西班牙文

Torque Wrench Extension Calc(圖1)-速報App

When you put an extension on a torque wrench, the torque applied to the fastener increases.

Torque Wrench Extension Calc(圖2)-速報App

Use the Norbar Torque Wrench Extension Calculator app to find what value you should set into the wrench to achieve the required fastener torque.

Torque Wrench Extension Calc(圖3)-速報App

The app comes in four language options, English, French, German & Spanish. The language option is only available on the initial loading of the app.
